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26.08.2007 15:03:46 geyser BTW, it's "too little sleep, too much beer" :)
26.08.2007 15:05:13 geyser not sure about Oni not being set in 2032, I quite liked that year :)
26.08.2007 15:05:31 geyser I'd rather push the WCG's rise to power to earlier years
26.08.2007 15:05:55 paradox-01 i liked it too, but the reasons are .. a lot
26.08.2007 15:06:04 geyser like?
26.08.2007 15:06:25 geyser (apart from the manual, which is irrelevant)
26.08.2007 15:06:55 paradox-01 i just made my own thought, please wait a moment
26.08.2007 15:07:25 geyser i'm impatient by nature :)
26.08.2007 15:08:04 geyser you should cross-link that wiki page to the forum thread
26.08.2007 15:08:34 paradox-01 this should it be - my old page | what forum thread ?
26.08.2007 15:08:55 geyser ok, not thread but post:
26.08.2007 15:09:04 geyser about the biok and stuff
26.08.2007 15:09:16 geyser oh, and that page, too, of course
26.08.2007 15:09:26 geyser I still haven't found the time to read it all :)
26.08.2007 15:09:54 geyser the other page, wherever it is
26.08.2007 15:09:56 paradox-01 oh, you already followed the link from wiki, good ..
26.08.2007 15:10:04 geyser what link from wiki?
26.08.2007 15:10:14 geyser you had linked to your story before AFAIR
26.08.2007 15:10:50 paradox-01 don't know .. uhm (my head..)
26.08.2007 15:11:11 paradox-01 the old page is huge
26.08.2007 15:11:53 paradox-01 ok, here all stuff i thought about over the last years .. ..
26.08.2007 15:11:55 geyser i see no link on the wiki page, apart from the link on wikipedia
26.08.2007 15:12:07 geyser you should insert those links in the wiki page
26.08.2007 15:12:28 paradox-01 yea later, tomorrow ..
26.08.2007 15:12:31 geyser omg
26.08.2007 15:12:45 tkstka has entered the channel.
26.08.2007 15:12:49 geyser "The Syndicate has been very busy" :)
26.08.2007 15:13:05 geyser impressive
26.08.2007 15:13:11 tkstka has left the channel.
26.08.2007 15:13:25 geyser how long have you been doing this?
26.08.2007 15:13:40 paradox-01 i don't wanted to make it public before i tought about something more that give us more crossing points
26.08.2007 15:14:22 geyser if you're the only one who finds crossing points, it's not fair :P
26.08.2007 15:14:46 paradox-01 my dream started right after finishing oni (2002), but i failed with a good concept, then 2004 i "restart", work in progress until NOW
26.08.2007 15:14:55 geyser you really should have told me, or guido, about the scale of your research
26.08.2007 15:16:04 paradox-01 it thought it's not fair because it's all german, i wanted to make it lighter .. on Oni Galore
26.08.2007 15:16:26 paradox-01 .. in english .. well i started , right
26.08.2007 15:16:34 geyser it would have been fair to guido and to myself to at least let *us* know
26.08.2007 15:16:57 tkstka has entered the channel.
26.08.2007 15:17:20 paradox-01 .. but hey, many links are still gray
26.08.2007 15:17:38 paradox-01 ^^
26.08.2007 15:17:58 geyser you've been doing the same thing in private as what I've been doing publicly in ASFO2... not sure what to think of it... it feels weird
26.08.2007 15:18:34 geyser discovering such a huge amount of data all at once, rather than watch it grow (interactively)...
26.08.2007 15:18:44 tkstka_ has entered the channel.
26.08.2007 15:19:15 tkstka has left the channel.
26.08.2007 15:19:41 paradox-01 i wanted to create something own but still fitting with your ASFO2
26.08.2007 15:19:52 tkstka_ has left the channel.
26.08.2007 15:20:13 geyser i can see that...
26.08.2007 15:21:04 paradox-01 making crossing points is newer story ..
26.08.2007 15:21:34 geyser but why not have told me? so that I don't "contaminate" you? :)
26.08.2007 15:21:34 geyser BTW, making too many ideas fit together is not always a good idea
26.08.2007 15:22:04 paradox-01 in fact : i work on this before i found the ofc |
26.08.2007 15:22:26 paradox-01 yes, that because i call them "optional elements"
26.08.2007 15:22:28 geyser i suppose so; that's the way it happened for 17 secs, too
26.08.2007 15:22:46 tkstka has entered the channel.
26.08.2007 15:22:52 geyser otpional elements = connections to ASFO2 etc?
26.08.2007 15:23:58 paradox-01 yes, plus when this mix is too bad then i can take them out. for every optional element should be a own idea .
26.08.2007 15:24:38 paradox-01 it's a literary experiment
26.08.2007 15:24:58 geyser well, the mix is "too bad", rather easily, as long as you're not favoring pluralism from the very start
26.08.2007 15:25:34 geyser i'd need a closer look, but if you have a very definite truth on your side (character and entity background), then alternative ways to think of the same things just don't fit in
26.08.2007 15:25:58 tkstka has left the channel.
26.08.2007 15:27:28 geyser it's a very interesting experiment (guido and i love those; re: you really oughta have told us)
26.08.2007 15:28:55 geyser and most of *absolutely* should end up on the wiki... but you/we will have to be careful there
26.08.2007 15:29:07 geyser and most of it *absolutely* should end up on the wiki... but you/we will have to be careful there
26.08.2007 15:31:19 geyser how much text do you have "im ganzen"?
26.08.2007 15:32:05 paradox-01 you want numbers ? oje
26.08.2007 15:32:19 geyser no, don't bother
26.08.2007 15:32:22 geyser i'll just browse the thing
26.08.2007 15:32:54 geyser a lot of "added value" in any case...
26.08.2007 15:32:59 tkstka has entered the channel.
26.08.2007 15:33:29 geyser i'll try to consider that from a pluralistic point of view, if you don't mind ;)
26.08.2007 15:34:22 geyser "exploring possibilities", but not looking for proof for one truth or the other; not yet
26.08.2007 15:34:46 geyser can I notify Guido of that page of yours?
26.08.2007 15:35:59 tkstka has left the channel.
26.08.2007 15:36:32 paradox-01 you are perfectionist, that's because i feared giving you this links .. but when not telling you now, when then.. and for guido .. just tell him, now it's "out"
26.08.2007 15:37:10 geyser "aus"??? really?
26.08.2007 15:37:22 geyser :[
26.08.2007 15:37:29 paradox-01 no. ^^
26.08.2007 15:37:38 paradox-01 out = known
26.08.2007 15:37:52 geyser ah, oki
26.08.2007 15:38:29 paradox-01 we always have trouble, but it makes fun
26.08.2007 15:38:29 geyser you were right to be afraid: i've already destroyed a project very similar to yours :)
26.08.2007 15:38:50 paradox-01 i guess what you mean
26.08.2007 15:39:03 geyser what is your guess? :)
26.08.2007 15:39:50 paradox-01 Tracker told me from guido and you
26.08.2007 15:40:22 geyser i don't mean tracker; if you count him in that makes 2 :)
26.08.2007 15:40:53 paradox-01 i don't mean tracker as well, i meant guidos work
26.08.2007 15:41:13 geyser that' not really it either
26.08.2007 15:41:35 paradox-01 3 projects then, and i'm #4 ^^
26.08.2007 15:41:46 geyser :)
26.08.2007 15:42:14 paradox-01 geyser the destroyer, oh man ^^
26.08.2007 15:42:16 geyser well, I no longer try to contaminate others' projects with my convictions, at least
26.08.2007 15:42:34 geyser problem is, I can't really impose pluralism, either
26.08.2007 15:42:53 geyser so the only options for me are : criticize; shut up
26.08.2007 15:43:03 tkstka has entered the channel.
26.08.2007 15:43:05 paradox-01 ^^
26.08.2007 15:43:20 paradox-01 what about our mukade talk on ocf
26.08.2007 15:43:32 paradox-01 i liked it very much
26.08.2007 15:43:43 geyser i was already smart at that point
26.08.2007 15:44:08 paradox-01 it help me working some poinds out, at least good enough for me
26.08.2007 15:44:08 geyser as far as i'm concerned, I think we managed to keep it open ended
26.08.2007 15:44:31 geyser while adding detail to all of the alternative tracks (including yours)
26.08.2007 15:45:41 geyser looking at your site, I see that you're making a definite statement about Ninja and Mukade; of course I can't adhere to that :)
26.08.2007 15:46:04 tkstka has left the channel.
26.08.2007 15:46:35 paradox-01 hm, i did ? this is so much, gimme the link ^^
26.08.2007 15:46:58 geyser erm...
26.08.2007 15:47:05 geyser wait, maybe not
26.08.2007 15:47:56 paradox-01 no wait gimme just a sentence to search it by "F3"
26.08.2007 15:48:19 geyser "etwas zu konstruiert"... actually, there's little text about Mukade and it's hard to see what you "mean" :)
26.08.2007 15:49:04 geyser "Die Diskussion wurde damit gelöst, dass Mukade innerhalb des Syndikats ein grundlegenden Wandel unterlag, welcher mit der Einpflanzung der DC ein Abschluss fand." I don't remember such a final statement to our discussion :)
26.08.2007 15:49:11 geyser but I'm OK with it
26.08.2007 15:49:33 geyser oooooooooooh
26.08.2007 15:49:44 geyser now I see I got the whole sentence wrong
26.08.2007 15:49:47 geyser nevermind
26.08.2007 15:50:35 paradox-01 (Mental und körperlich manipuliert ist Mukade nun als Lehrer für Muro vorstellbar
26.08.2007 15:51:05 paradox-01 this was the sum up, hm
26.08.2007 15:51:07 geyser for overstatement, I could quote your Background
26.08.2007 15:51:09 retard has entered the channel.
26.08.2007 15:53:11 tkstka has entered the channel.
26.08.2007 15:53:32 paradox-01 hm, there does the ninja(s) come^^ it was tricky - maybe my background isn't the best but first i remember in oniversum ^^
26.08.2007 15:53:46 geyser first?
26.08.2007 15:53:56 paradox-01 and last, so far..
26.08.2007 15:54:11 retard has left the channel.
26.08.2007 15:54:16 geyser you haven't read all of ASFO2, have you?
26.08.2007 15:55:19 geyser you should at least follow the few links to ASFO2 from the new forum before you sy such hurting things :)
26.08.2007 15:55:20 paradox-01 i told you, i'm bad in english. i'm almost get elepsy here with my translater. so, please forgive my
26.08.2007 15:55:58 geyser a basic idea is that Ninja are like Tankers, only more so
26.08.2007 15:56:09 tkstka has left the channel.
26.08.2007 15:56:14 paradox-01 SLD then ?
26.08.2007 15:56:28 geyser either SLD or robots or something completely different
26.08.2007 15:56:43 geyser something with no equivalent on the WCG side
26.08.2007 15:58:04 geyser cyborgs-clones-whatever, depending on your mood
26.08.2007 15:58:30 geyser most probably heavily computerized, with no free will :)
26.08.2007 15:59:17 retard has entered the channel.
26.08.2007 15:59:30 retard has left the channel.
26.08.2007 15:59:46 geyser and as for the backround (what they are for), there's the 100% DIFFERENT hypothesis :)
26.08.2007 15:59:47 paradox-01 why do they do moonwalk .. program error ^^ (just joking)
26.08.2007 16:00:16 geyser same as Tankers: they were modeled after someone :)
26.08.2007 16:00:30 geyser a left-handed guy who can moonwalk
26.08.2007 16:00:44 geyser Guess Who ;)
26.08.2007 16:00:57 tkstka has entered the channel.
26.08.2007 16:01:35 paradox-01 i'm not insider for "out-side"-information, maybe a programmer like Chris Hugh
26.08.2007 16:01:55 geyser no, i meant Mukade :)
26.08.2007 16:02:37 geyser so in that alternative reality, the whole Ninja corps basically spawned off Mukade
26.08.2007 16:02:53 paradox-01 you mean, the ninja are just copies from a left-handed freak
26.08.2007 16:02:59 paradox-01 ok
26.08.2007 16:03:43 geyser the left-handedness is not really the point; it's gamemaking stuff, after all
26.08.2007 16:04:14 paradox-01 because of animations .. hm
26.08.2007 16:04:16 geyser but they have "robotic" voiceovers which makes me think they're machines :)
26.08.2007 16:04:36 geyser Terminator-style, if you wish
26.08.2007 16:04:42 geyser all of them - except Mukade
26.08.2007 16:05:12 geyser (who's almost a poet as we know)
26.08.2007 16:06:22 geyser the idea, then, is that Ninja "belong" to Mukade (something between androids and clones, or maybe "something completely different", again)
26.08.2007 16:06:49 tkstka has left the channel.
26.08.2007 16:07:41 paradox-01 mukade has also this voicecovers, hasn't he ?
26.08.2007 16:07:43 geyser this point doesn't really say anything about who Mukade is and what he wants and how he relates to Muro
26.08.2007 16:07:46 geyser no
26.08.2007 16:08:18 geyser Mukade has only the laughter-taunt and "Devilstar!"
26.08.2007 16:08:35 paradox-01 but for the eye ... there could be a connection to the SLD technology
26.08.2007 16:08:51 geyser you mean the periscopic eyes?
26.08.2007 16:09:14 paradox-01 you said the eyes aren't there where they should be
26.08.2007 16:09:37 geyser i can imagine actual ninja using periscopes to peek around corners
26.08.2007 16:09:48 geyser but permanent periscopic vision...
26.08.2007 16:10:23 paradox-01 .. i was thinking of something additional
26.08.2007 16:10:25 geyser it might favor better range estimation, but only for robots :)
26.08.2007 16:10:35 geyser triangulation
26.08.2007 16:11:01 geyser SLDs are biological (with a few implants for interfacing)
26.08.2007 16:12:23 geyser (BTW, as the only teleporting/phasecloaking/ballthrowing NPC, Mukade obviously has an exceptional technological background, whoever he is)
26.08.2007 16:12:49 tkstka has entered the channel.
26.08.2007 16:12:57 geyser (so making an army of tech-clones is rather appropriate :) )
26.08.2007 16:13:35 geyser (again, I don't want to convince anybody; I'm just explaining my background as outlined on ASFO2)
26.08.2007 16:13:49 geyser (just a possibility)
26.08.2007 16:14:10 geyser As for who that genius is...
26.08.2007 16:14:30 geyser and how Muro copes with him...
26.08.2007 16:14:37 geyser we've been though that already
26.08.2007 16:14:46 geyser we've been through that already
26.08.2007 16:15:05 paradox-01 the additional, today: remember the brain patter tech - they should have a similiar patter to mukade. when he get heavy hurt, he lost his face with eyes, the nervs are still there. the syndicate connect thm to sensores.. he leart to see again. this patter of self-awarness goes also to the ninja troops ..^^
26.08.2007 16:15:44 tkstka has left the channel.
26.08.2007 16:15:56 paradox-01 but i don't like my new idea, your's is good
26.08.2007 16:17:58 geyser Mukade's helmet doesn't have to be metal, unlike that of other ninja :)
26.08.2007 16:18:25 geyser maybe he sees through it, and uses the "eyes" for something else :)
26.08.2007 16:18:46 geyser anyway, there's that other idea
26.08.2007 16:18:56 geyser just what the ninja corps *actually does*
26.08.2007 16:19:31 geyser it has to do with who Mukade is, so at that point it's heavily un-pluralistic :)
26.08.2007 16:20:00 geyser why did Muro say "I've accomplished everything our father dreamed of doing"?
26.08.2007 16:20:40 geyser (we already said that Muro's actions, as well as Mai's, went in the direction of Hasegawa's project)
26.08.2007 16:21:09 geyser (but how direct was the inspiration Muro seems to hint at)
26.08.2007 16:21:11 geyser (but how direct was the inspiration Muro seems to hint at?)
26.08.2007 16:22:30 tkstka has entered the channel.
26.08.2007 16:23:22 geyser (of course, this is based on the assumption that Mukade is/was Hasegawa)
26.08.2007 16:25:16 geyser (and the other key assumption was that the Chrysalis was a false track)
26.08.2007 16:25:40 geyser (i.e., Hasegawa never intended the Chrysalis to be implanted to everybody)
26.08.2007 16:26:44 tkstka_ has entered the channel.
26.08.2007 16:27:09 tkstka has left the channel.
26.08.2007 16:27:34 geyser (because of the obvious ethical problems and also because of the cynical "let's not try to fix the shit, let's adapt to it instead"... which is IMO rather odd for a an altruistic scientist)
26.08.2007 16:27:34 tkstka_ does anyone know why I can't connect to this server
26.08.2007 16:27:40 tkstka_ when my firewall is up?
26.08.2007 16:27:49 geyser what firewall?
26.08.2007 16:27:52 tkstka_ my
26.08.2007 16:27:55 tkstka_ own
26.08.2007 16:27:59 geyser ...........
26.08.2007 16:28:01 tkstka_ I just figured it
26.08.2007 16:28:08 tkstka_ All other irc servers
26.08.2007 16:28:09 geyser "make and color"? :)
26.08.2007 16:28:15 tkstka_ I use
26.08.2007 16:28:18 tkstka_ works fine
26.08.2007 16:28:25 tkstka_ but my firewall blocks this one
26.08.2007 16:28:26 tkstka_ :o
26.08.2007 16:28:35 geyser tell us what your firewall is please ...
26.08.2007 16:28:45 tkstka_ Sygate
26.08.2007 16:28:47 paradox-01 maybe because of allocs bot
26.08.2007 16:29:00 geyser MrLogman? unlikely
26.08.2007 16:29:06 tkstka_ btw
26.08.2007 16:29:27 tkstka_ I tried to open the OSE-0.50.exe
26.08.2007 16:29:32 geyser Tosh seems to have the same problem
26.08.2007 16:29:43 tkstka_ and it gave me something like
26.08.2007 16:30:03 tkstka_ that the application was build on demo license
26.08.2007 16:30:07 tkstka_ and it can't be used
26.08.2007 16:30:12 tkstka_ :C
26.08.2007 16:30:12 geyser well, that's true :)
26.08.2007 16:30:27 geyser you're screwed :)
26.08.2007 16:30:54 tkstka_ so how can I get that stuff work?
26.08.2007 16:30:58 tkstka_ I'm newbie
26.08.2007 16:31:00 tkstka_ so
26.08.2007 16:31:03 tkstka_ please help
26.08.2007 16:31:05 tkstka_ :)
26.08.2007 16:31:25 geyser You can't. Tyr said he'd work around that limitation, but everything he's built so far has an expiration limit
26.08.2007 16:31:44 tkstka_ well I haven't even used it
26.08.2007 16:31:49 Alloc you could try to set your systems date to something earlier
26.08.2007 16:31:51 tkstka_ and it's expired
26.08.2007 16:31:52 tkstka_ :D
26.08.2007 16:32:04 geyser yeah, the date would work
26.08.2007 16:32:16 Alloc not necessarily but it could ;)
26.08.2007 16:32:16 geyser but you don't *really* need OSE to script...
26.08.2007 16:32:27 Alloc depends on how good their limitation is ,)
26.08.2007 16:32:32 geyser heh
26.08.2007 16:32:43 tkstka_ Like I said I'm newb
26.08.2007 16:32:51 tkstka_ so It would be easier
26.08.2007 16:33:06 geyser the current version of OSE doesn't really make it easier for newbs :)
26.08.2007 16:33:12 tkstka_ :o
26.08.2007 16:33:13 tkstka_ ok
26.08.2007 16:33:24 tkstka_ I have PSpad
26.08.2007 16:33:26 geyser (although i wouldn't really know, not being a newb myself)
26.08.2007 16:33:34 geyser PSPad is *fine* :)
26.08.2007 16:33:50 tkstka_ so is there a tutorial
26.08.2007 16:33:51 geyser although I use Notepad for most scripting
26.08.2007 16:33:58 tkstka_ and what should I start?
26.08.2007 16:34:07 geyser no comprehensive tutorial, I'm afraid
26.08.2007 16:34:08 tkstka_ what files should I modify
26.08.2007 16:34:31 geyser you should start by reading the original level logic
26.08.2007 16:34:53 geyser GameDataFolder\IGMD\whatever\whatever.bsl
26.08.2007 16:35:41 geyser maybe have a look at ssg's "commented" logic (basically the same, but with comments on what the effect of every command is)
26.08.2007 16:36:04 geyser (will have to look up the url; I still haven't put it up on the wiki)
26.08.2007 16:36:14 tkstka_ I assume there is no comments in orginal files
26.08.2007 16:36:20 tkstka_ so where can I get commented
26.08.2007 16:36:22 tkstka_ ones
26.08.2007 16:36:55 geyser oh, there *are* a few comments, but since they were made by Bungie for Bungie... :)
26.08.2007 16:37:03 tkstka_ ;o
26.08.2007 16:37:25 geyser ssg's scripts are part of nikanabo, which you can get here:
26.08.2007 16:37:33 tkstka_ we need to get friends with some bungie workers
26.08.2007 16:37:37 tkstka_ and they could Leak
26.08.2007 16:37:37 tkstka_ :D
26.08.2007 16:37:53 geyser
26.08.2007 16:38:04 geyser
26.08.2007 16:38:52 geyser erm, after a close look, ssg doesn't comment *every* command
26.08.2007 16:38:59 geyser far from it
26.08.2007 16:39:45 tkstka_ btw I heard there are maps
26.08.2007 16:39:48 tkstka_ that aren't in the game
26.08.2007 16:39:49 geyser what I recommend to start figuring things out is: script at runtime, from the dev mode console
26.08.2007 16:40:12 tkstka_ well not playble
26.08.2007 16:40:18 tkstka_ is this true
26.08.2007 16:40:19 tkstka_ ?
26.08.2007 16:40:22 geyser if you keep "btw"ing like that, I'm not sure I'll be able to help you :)
26.08.2007 16:40:39 tkstka_ ok
26.08.2007 16:40:43 geyser yes there are a few missing levels
26.08.2007 16:41:28 geyser all we have are a few old screenshots, a few script folders (with minimal scripts) and the level names in level0_final.dat
26.08.2007 16:41:41 paradox-01 a few, just give me BGI back , with story ! xD
26.08.2007 16:42:06 geyser heh, do you want their story, or do you want to write your own? ;)
26.08.2007 16:42:24 tkstka_ why doesn't anyone have op?
26.08.2007 16:42:29 paradox-01 RS is sequel, so it don't matter
26.08.2007 16:42:35 geyser i think BGI take advantage of Mukade's death to take the matters in their hands
26.08.2007 16:42:38 geyser (more, later)
26.08.2007 16:42:59 geyser tkstka: what is an "op"?
26.08.2007 16:43:31 Alloc has left the channel.
26.08.2007 16:43:34 Alloc has entered the channel.
26.08.2007 16:43:46 geyser about scripting: check out the overviews on Oni Galore and Oni Stuff, and then try entering single commands at the console
26.08.2007 16:44:09 geyser that should get you familiar with the basics: variables and functions
26.08.2007 16:44:56 geyser and whenever you have a specific question (or two), just ask
26.08.2007 16:45:14 geyser that's one of the purposes of this channel (I think)
26.08.2007 16:45:24 tkstka_ I mean operator/admins
26.08.2007 16:45:35 tkstka_ the guys who change the topics and run the channel
26.08.2007 16:45:37 tkstka_ :)
26.08.2007 16:45:44 geyser Alloc is an admin, and so am I (i think)
26.08.2007 16:46:10 geyser we don't care too much about topics atm
26.08.2007 16:46:34 tkstka_ ok
26.08.2007 16:47:19 geyser not sure I ever tried sygate, not with IRC at least
26.08.2007 16:47:25 Alloc has left the channel.
26.08.2007 16:47:26 Alloc has entered the channel.
26.08.2007 16:47:39 tkstka_ well it blocks everything.. even my chess program
26.08.2007 16:47:42 tkstka_ :C
26.08.2007 16:47:58 geyser zone alarm doesn't offer too much control, but it doesn't block too much, either
26.08.2007 16:48:08 tkstka_ well this offers too much
26.08.2007 16:48:12 geyser (maybe it doesn't block enough, but I have had no probs so far)
26.08.2007 16:48:27 geyser erm
26.08.2007 16:48:27 tkstka_ I have to be always changing
26.08.2007 16:48:37 tkstka_ and stuff
26.08.2007 16:48:43 geyser yeah, maybe
26.08.2007 16:48:55 geyser I heard outpost was a nerd's dream/nightmare
26.08.2007 16:49:07 tkstka_ I didn't even know there was stuff from windows that were trying to connect net
26.08.2007 16:49:08 geyser maybe sygate is the same
26.08.2007 16:49:08 tkstka_ ..
26.08.2007 16:49:24 tkstka_ NT Kernel & System
26.08.2007 16:49:51 tkstka_ Generic Process for Windows
26.08.2007 16:50:01 geyser not sure... I just authorized those forever
26.08.2007 16:50:11 geyser so I don't remember when I last saw them :)
26.08.2007 16:50:28 tkstka_ NDIS User Mode 1/0
26.08.2007 16:50:32 geyser ................
26.08.2007 16:50:36 geyser ok, ok...
26.08.2007 16:50:39 tkstka_ :D
26.08.2007 16:50:46 tkstka_ ok I'll stop
26.08.2007 16:50:48 tkstka_ ;D
26.08.2007 16:50:53 Alloc hmz, weird ... this channel isn't even registered ... could be that there was a netsplit while i registered it
26.08.2007 16:51:21 tkstka_ :o
26.08.2007 16:51:35 paradox-01 they are behind us xD
26.08.2007 16:52:58 geyser "just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you"
26.08.2007 16:53:17 paradox-01 yea yea ^^
26.08.2007 16:54:16 geyser anyway, that 100% DIFFERENT possibility is that STURMANDERUNG was not what Mai though it to be
26.08.2007 16:54:34 geyser and not what *Muro* thought it to be, either
26.08.2007 16:54:46 geyser no one at the syndicate actually knew what was going on
26.08.2007 16:55:01 geyser except for one man and a bunch of androids ;)
26.08.2007 16:55:11 geyser and Mai killed that man
26.08.2007 16:55:27 paradox-01 that bad I guess ^^
26.08.2007 16:55:28 tkstka_ wtf
26.08.2007 16:55:42 tkstka_ muro was the badguy
26.08.2007 16:55:58 geyser not *the* bad guy, *a* bad guy :)
26.08.2007 16:56:06 tkstka_ :o
26.08.2007 16:56:08 tkstka_ anyway
26.08.2007 16:56:17 tkstka_ who was Mai
26.08.2007 16:56:18 geyser he was "framed" into being *the* bad guy
26.08.2007 16:56:29 geyser Konoko = Mai Hasegawa
26.08.2007 16:56:33 tkstka_ ahh
26.08.2007 16:56:40 tkstka_ I forgot the real name
26.08.2007 16:57:02 tkstka_ but what were you talking about one man?
26.08.2007 16:57:11 tkstka_ you mean Muro?
26.08.2007 16:57:13 geyser not muro :)
26.08.2007 16:57:29 geyser Muro didn't know what he was doing
26.08.2007 16:57:37 tkstka_ ;o
26.08.2007 16:57:58 tkstka_ I really don't know what you guys are talking about but that is not in the game
26.08.2007 16:57:59 geyser (that's just one possible interpretation, of course; mine; one of mine)
26.08.2007 16:58:07 geyser (it is; sorta)
26.08.2007 16:59:02 paradox-01 to many in a free space ... time to port them onto Oni Galore, hm ?
26.08.2007 16:59:10 geyser and the difficult bit is to propose such additional elements without spoiling Oni or overstating anything
26.08.2007 16:59:25 geyser too much what? you mean the talk here?
26.08.2007 16:59:32 geyser I didn't say everything yet :)
26.08.2007 16:59:47 tkstka_ ?
26.08.2007 16:59:56 paradox-01 i mean ASFO2
26.08.2007 17:00:01 geyser erm, yeah
26.08.2007 17:00:02 tkstka_ ?
26.08.2007 17:00:07 tkstka_ wtf
26.08.2007 17:00:26 geyser I even started making a summary... then gave up and tried an index instead
26.08.2007 17:00:31 tkstka_ give me a slice of "what's going on"
26.08.2007 17:00:51 paradox-01 to many theories, that's all
26.08.2007 17:01:00 geyser tstka: were you there on the old OCF?
26.08.2007 17:01:13 geyser do you know the "A storyline for Oni 2" thread?
26.08.2007 17:01:26 Last_Hero the ASFO2 thread is awesome, despite it's ridiculous length
26.08.2007 17:01:40 geyser if you're a native speaker, it's recommendable reading
26.08.2007 17:01:59 paradox-01 if ^^
26.08.2007 17:02:13 geyser if you're not, it's still recommendable, but... people fall asleep, is that right, paradox?
26.08.2007 17:02:29 geyser I'm not a native English speaker
26.08.2007 17:02:38 geyser it's only my 3rd language :)
26.08.2007 17:02:53 paradox-01 yea just make fun of me
26.08.2007 17:03:00 Last_Hero I thought that for non-native speakers some of the concepts might be hard to properly translate
26.08.2007 17:03:05 tkstka_ I ya I remember it
26.08.2007 17:03:33 tkstka_ but I actually read them all
26.08.2007 17:03:40 geyser yeah, that's one of my mistakes when writing in english
26.08.2007 17:03:42 tkstka_ just litle from the main page
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